Monday, February 12, 2007

The "Jay Cloud" visits Muskoka

The RHSSCC got pounded yesterday. How much snow was there? So much snow that I buried the car on our own road! When I drove home after work, our road had not been plowed (why do we pay property tax?) and neither Jenny or our neighbour had been out all day, so I got fresh tracks by car for the last 500 metres or so. There was so much snow billowing over the hood of the car that I had to stop halfway up the last hill (couldn't see!) and let the wipers clear the windshield. Then I couldn't get going again, so had to turn around, go back to the last driveway and take a run at it, following my own path (even the amazing Subaru AWD couldn't overcome the combination of low clearance, steepish hill, slippery base and fresh snow). This time I made it to the top of the hill before having to stop and clear off, even with the wipers going full tilt. The new snow on the road was up to the top of my Sorels - at least 10". Very light and fluffy too. Spent 20 minutes clearing snow out of the engine compartment - the space between the grille and radiator was filled with snow.

The scene of the crime, in warmer times
Our driveway is on the left, at the top of the hill in the background. I got fresh tracks from the black mailbox on the right all the way to the end of the road.

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