"You should have been here last week."
A new view of Jay Peak from A-35. Vroom. |
That was the unsaid greeting when Blue Toes and I arrived in Vermont, just before New Years. You know, before Christmas when there was some snow, even during the rain, when it was soft and the woods were in play. Before the Four Cowbramoosemen* of the Snowpocalypse rode in and spread Rain, Wind, Ice and Cold all over the mountain. Ah well, who knew that far in advance? The gods of vacation planning are fickle and sometimes you get what you get. So you run with it.
CanAm was not looking good on December 29. Or 30. |
Like, for example, the Guy From New Jersey we met on the Bonnie, who opined that "well, everywhere else is just as bad or worse, so I might as well be at Jay Peak!" Kind of a JPR marketing guy's dream, this fellow was. Hey, the family was was happy in the waterpark, he was out skiing (or, "killing time between drinking," as he so eloquently put it), and in his world, life was awesome. Jonny Jay and I awarded him the Positive Attitude Award for the day.
Our new favourite thing to complain about: The Ditch at Stateside. |
In the end, Blue Toes and the DC did not ski while we were down there. JJ and I did, because, well, that's what we do. There is this twisted enjoyment we share, related to skiing in adverse conditions and finding the silver lining. Where was the silver lining this time, after the bitter wind, lack of terrain, boilerplate ice and frigid temperatures? Not many people on the hill! No lines! On New Year's Eve Day, walking up and riding the Tram just to get out of the wind. Ripping down Ullr's at mach looney with nobody in sight. Ice, schmice. Kind of like the old days. And, of course, the apres-ski was fantastic. In our world, family fun always makes the trip worthwhile and highly entertaining.
A Jay Peak sunset, singing the blues. |
* "Whats a Cowbramoose," you ask? Go to Jay Peak, check out the magazine cover. Or click
here. Surrealistic Pillow, man.