Just last weekend, I was skiing in knee deep powder with my buddy (who wants to be known on this website as the Powder Pirate). We were skiing in great snow conditions, wearing full winter gear. It was a mild day but it dumped snow all day long!
Just a couple of days ago, Saturday April 21st, Jonny Jay and I were up at Jay skiing in 20 Degree weather. There was no need for the tuque, jacket, or goggles. Just sunglasses and whatever spring clothing you want to wear.
"the GREEN BERET" blasting down the UN bumps
The conditions were so good for this time of the year, that we even got to take a run down Green Beret and beleive it or not I got JJ to face his fears, and conquer Staircase once more. We had a good run down Staircase, whith not many rocks or stumps.
Jonny Jay cruising down Staircase
The day turned out to be a great day of spring skiing, we even saw a couple of skiers make it across on the Pond Skimming.
I attempted many jumps and drops including the Timbuktu Cliff and the Lift Line Rocks.... but the best jump of the day goes out to the Maniac who jumped out of the Tram.
For all you River Quai lovers out there, this is what it looked like from the top. If you look hard enough, you can see JJ making his way around the rocks.